Tuesday 22 December 2020



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Charles Dickens was a Brithis novelist, journalist, editor , illustrator and social comentator who wrote such beloved classic novels as Oliver Twits, A chistmas Carol, Great Exprectations,....

His works enjoyed unprecedented popularity during his lifetime, and by the 20th century, critics and scholars had recognised him as a literary genius.His novels and short stories are still widely read today.


Dickens was born on February 7,1812, in Portsmouth, on the souther coats os England.

The famed author was the second of eight children.His father, Jhon Dickens, has a navel clerk who dreamed of strinking it rich.Charles´mother, Elizabeth Barrow, aspired to be a teacher and school director.Depited his parents best efforts, the family remained poor. 

He started school at 9 years old, but Charles had to leave it due to family problems and started working at the age of 12 years.

Years later he went back to study, to work as a journalist, His first article was writting in 1833.Dickens wrote works that other drew and rose to fame as a novelist.

He died on July 9,1870 in Gads.

He was the creator of some of the best known fictional characters in the world.

Many consider him the best novelist of his time.


A Christmas Carol-1843

Oliver Twist-1838

David Copperfield -1850

The live of our lord-1834

Martin Chuzzlewit-1844

Dickens´ works-1867                                                                

Banaby Rudge-1851

A Child´s history of England-1851

The Mudfog papers-1837

These are some of his novels, but he has mauch more. 


Charles Dickens was a writer of the victorian era.The Victorian Era in Britain was dominated by the reing of Queen Victoria.Although it was a paceful and prosperous time,there were still issues within the society was optimistic, they hope in tecnology and the improvement in the quality of live.

London changed more than at any other time in history.


The social classes of this era included the Upper class , the Middle class and the Working class.


This class divided into three subcategories:

-Royal-those who came from a royal family 

-Middle Upper-important officers and lords 

-Lower Upper-wealthy men and business owners

The withe collar professions had the hability to move up in the corporate rankings and earn a higher salary.


Was also divided into two categories, higher level and lower level.The middle class dictated tastes ans imposed behaviors.


Considerated of unsliked laborers who worked in brutal and unsanitary conditions.They didn´t has access to clean water,food, education fot their children, proper clothing and often they lived on the streets.


Children took on hard-working jobs as a coal miners,chimeney sweepers,farm workers and domestic servants.Some children were even forced to take on the role of a railroad worked due to the invention of the Railway brought by the Industrial Revulution.

Children were required to work 12 to 18 hours a day in miners that were infested  with rats and had poor ventilation.



Women were meant only desire marriage in that it allowed them to became mothers reather than for any emotional sarisfction.

Girls typically married in their early to mid 20s to a groom around 5 years older than them in order to reinforce the "natural" hierarchy between the sexes.

After a woman married, her rights and propietary case to remaind her own.